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Don’t Make Offerings To Copywriting Gurus

Guru Nanak earned his title. This guy was a radical, from the age of 11. He stared into the face of Hindu and Islamic thought and decided it wasn't right. In one the most famous stories of Guru Nanak, he announced that people should be judged by what they do, not the threads that they wear. This was the foundation of the Sikh religion. A radical free-thinker that defined an entire religion. That's a guru. Does it really apply to your copywriter?

With Love From A Freelance Copywriter

Let's talk about love. Do you love your girlfriend? Your husband? Your children? Bread? I recently saw a lorry delivering the regal bread Kingsmill. I noticed the big photo and pondered the idea that it might just contain one giant loaf of bread. But, more relevantly to a blog about being a freelance copywriter, I noticed the copy. It said - 'Love Bread. Love Kingsmill.' And it got me thinking about my relationship with bread, and in turn the choice of words that we use when selling.

Freelance Copywriter Interview

As a freelance copywriter, I often need to explain exactly what I'm selling. More often than not, the answer is incredibly simple - I'm selling me. If you'd be interested to find out more about the man you get for your money when you contact me for copywriting services, I've recently been featured over at the Pro Copywriters Network. The interview covers how I got started as a freelance copywriter, what kind of work I do, and an insight into my outlook on creating great copy.

Write Less. Do More.

A guest post by Alastaire Allday.  As a freelance copywriter, I have fought against copy mills, bad clients, price-per-word estimates, and B2B jargon. But now I'm going to take a stand against something more controversial. Words.

A Freelance Copywriter That Knows Nothing

Smart businesses know the value of a freelance copywriter. They understand that, when it's time to put what you do into words, the specialist, independent knowledge of a freelancer quite simply can't be beaten. But let's get it straight. This isn't about the expertise or insight that a copywriter can bring, although that's important. The reason that companies get what they need from me is not what I know, but what I don't.

How To Attract Copywriting Clients

a copywriter should be pretty good at enticing people. But with so much attention on the copywriting for clients, it's not a surprise that the blurb on your website, flyer or press ad can get left behind.

Free Advice For PPI Claim Copywriters

Anybody that knows me will tell you that I'm a friendly guy. People who come to me for copy know that I go the extra mile. That's why I've decided to help the hard working copywriters for PPI claims companies.

Avoid Product Description Copywriter Burn Out

Copywriting is taking ideas and making them simple, short, concise and persuasive. A good product description copywriter must be able to do all of these things, potentially thousands of times. But that, of course, is where the problem lies - potentially thousands of times.

2012 Summer Sports Related Copywriting Post

I don't know if you've heard, but there is a large International sports competition about to start in England's capital. And they're being fiercely protective of their brand. So, here I am, writing the blog post without using the word. Can I even say sports? I'll take the risk. In a world where people pay for an event and the related facilities through their taxes but still can't reap the benefits, I've been thinking about how timely copywriting should be. Is it important that copywriting is always relevant to world events, or does timeless copy come from a more distanced perspective?

Copywriter, Wear Some Trousers

Why is that every so many freelance copywriters are obsessed with their pants? I'm joking, of course. It's not just pants. It's pyjamas, dressing gowns, and every kind of clothing there is. They talk about their copywriting services - I'm with them. They mention some existing clients - I'm still there. And then... "The best thing is that I get to write in my pants!" ...and I'm out. I've literally seen this on dozens of copywriters' websites. I can't help but wonder who these people are trying to be.